Boy With Giant Mole Beats The Bullies | BORN DIFFERENT

2018-12-18 2

AN 11-YEAR-OLD boy who was born with a rare mole covering his entire body, is finally learning to deal with the bullies after battling through more than 15 surgeries in order to survive. Lucas Starr, who resides in Alaska, lives with Giant Congenital Nevus - a dark-coloured, often hairy patch of skin that is present at birth in only one in 500,000 children. The Nevus is also on the inside of Lucas’ body, with other symptoms including Hydrocephalus, which needs to be monitored every three to six months, and Neurocutaneous Melanosis (NCM), which are lesions on the brain. The Nevus on Lucas’ brain led to the biggest scare of his life so far, when he was rushed to hospital in the summer of 2018 with a tumour. But despite the constant health scares and bullying that Lucas has to endure, he always comes out fighting and dreams of becoming a professional racing driver.